Other Hotlines
A number of agencies operate fraud hotlines specific to their operations and programs they administer. Although the Office of Legislative Audits welcomes all referrals of allegations of fraud or abuse in State government, allegations related to certain types of fraud may also be referred directly to the responsible agency’s fraud hotline.
Medicaid Benefits
Maryland Department of Health - Office of the Inspector General
Welfare Benefits, including Food Stamps, and Child Support Enforcement Issues
Maryland Department of Human Services - Office of the Inspector General
Unemployment Insurance Fraud
Maryland Department of Labor
Consumer Insurance Fraud Activities
Maryland Insurance Administration
Housing Assistance Fraud Activities
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Tax Fraud and Scams
Internal Revenue Service
Identity Theft
Maryland Office of the Attorney General - Identity Theft Unit
Local School System Fraud Activities
Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education
Allegations of fraud involving federal funds may also be reported directly to the United States Government Accountability Office at 1-800-424-5454 or to the federal Office of the Inspector General (OIG) assigned to the specific program.